Your support matters. It creates amazing opportunities for education, income, health, and safety net issues impacting young people, working families, and our seniors. However you choose to give, your donation makes a better life for people in our community.

Click here to see how your gift can make an impact in Southern Kentucky!

You can make a difference in your community and help people with a donation to United Way.

Remember, your donation STAYS IN THE COUNTY IN WHICH YOU LIVE! Thank you for making the choice to improve a life today!

Donations to United Way of Southern Kentucky are tax deductible. Please consult your tax professional for details.


Click HERE to make a secure online donation.

Online giving not for you? There are many ways to give to help those in need in our community!
Want to know how much of an impact your donation will make in our community? Check out the Impact Calculator!
All individual contributor and donor designation gift amounts, payment methods, mailing addresses, etc. are confidential unless the donor grants United Way of Southern Kentucky the authority to release this information.